Life after the Navy

Thursday, August 25, 2005


An old friend from my first submarine contacted me about a month ago.
He is the reason that I am writing in my blog again.
He also got me interested in a stock market style of game.
The game is Blogshares (
It is real fun and it is free to try out.
if you decide you really like it then it is only About $15 a year.
Come check it out

Bathroom remodel

I have spent nearly a month on remodeling my bathroom.
We have always wondered when our house was built.
Come to find out when we pulled up the old tub there was a date stamped on the bottom.
5-26-27, we can only assume that was when the tub was manufactured.
So 1927 or 1928 must be when the house was built.
That cast iron tub was not a drop in.
The house was built around it.
I hope to have all the tile work done this weekend.
The Debbie Jo has to figure out what she wants to do with the walls.
May be by Christmas we will be done.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I am alive

It has been a while since I posted here. I have now decided that I need to keep my mind active. This is the place I can bitch and not really have to listen to anybody's comments back.

A friend once taught me the "Rule of Two".
Basicly here is how the rule goes.
You should never have a conversation in a group with more than two people on the subjects of Religon, Sex or politics. If you do not follow these rules someone will get mad.
I almost made the mistake today at work of breaking that rule. I think I might of actually broke the rule. The guys I work with got talking unions. I got sucked in to the conversation. They never could give me a "good" reason to get a union to come to our place of employment. The reason they kept going back to was job security. They even believe that a person who "negligently" caused a death at the work place should not be fired and that a union should protect that person. They never could give me a "good" reason why "I" a honest and hard worker should join a union. I only see an ourpouring of money out of my pocket. They tried to preach that I could get a pension which I would not have to pay for. They had not realized tat the trade off for a pensionwould be that the company would no longer be providing matching funds for my 401(k), of which I feel safer with. The company or union can not raid my 401(k) like they can a pension fund.

Enough ranting on unions.

I will be back often.