Life after the Navy

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I am alive

It has been a while since I posted here. I have now decided that I need to keep my mind active. This is the place I can bitch and not really have to listen to anybody's comments back.

A friend once taught me the "Rule of Two".
Basicly here is how the rule goes.
You should never have a conversation in a group with more than two people on the subjects of Religon, Sex or politics. If you do not follow these rules someone will get mad.
I almost made the mistake today at work of breaking that rule. I think I might of actually broke the rule. The guys I work with got talking unions. I got sucked in to the conversation. They never could give me a "good" reason to get a union to come to our place of employment. The reason they kept going back to was job security. They even believe that a person who "negligently" caused a death at the work place should not be fired and that a union should protect that person. They never could give me a "good" reason why "I" a honest and hard worker should join a union. I only see an ourpouring of money out of my pocket. They tried to preach that I could get a pension which I would not have to pay for. They had not realized tat the trade off for a pensionwould be that the company would no longer be providing matching funds for my 401(k), of which I feel safer with. The company or union can not raid my 401(k) like they can a pension fund.

Enough ranting on unions.

I will be back often.


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